Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Opposite of Snow

Wow! We've been hearing about the snow in New Haven, and are thinking about all of you who are waiting for the roads and sidewalks to be cleared. It sounds like there's plenty of time to snuggle up with a good book or go outside and make a family of snow people - that's the romantic view, I know.

This bird is a noisy miner. They are everywhere and usually very focused on drinking nectar. Oh, one just landed on the branch outside my window right now! How's that for timing? Enjoy!


  1. Heather, I am truly enjoying your blog. The pictures are great, and I am more than just a bit envious, (and that is not only because of the 3 ft plus of snow presented to us recently!) Side note: how lovely of you to dedicate the flowers at church to Doby. She is certainly deserving of the tribute. My love to Sylvia; it appears she is enjoying her adventure. Judy Falcigno
