Tuesday, February 12, 2013

King Street Signs

I love King Street (the major business thoroughfare near us). Like most loves, this might be seen as irrational. King Street could be viewed as dirty, crowded, noisy, frenetic, and full of stores selling stuff, and who needs more stuff? But from my smitten perspective, King Street is colorful, lively, diverse, and vibrant.There are practically as many ethnic restaurants as there are countries.The small shops range from discount chemists (drugstores), to a button store (yep, it sells only buttons), to upscale clothing boutiques.  Plus it's even more fun to look at the people. I do not, however, have any photos worth sharing of people or buildings. Until then, take a look at some of the signs:

Every time I walk by this tattoo place, there is always somebody getting a tattoo.
Here you can see the awning that businesses hang their signs from. The awning is essential - either for shade or to get out of the rain.

How's that for a wide variety of businesses (and graphics)?

Clearly, someone was not happy about the fact that meat pies are sold here.

Sometimes juxtapositions are impossible to ignore.

We tried it. The verdict: delicious!



  1. Thanks, Pete. They were fun to take. I have to go onto Rick's computer to comment - a blogging fluke I have not figured out yet.

  2. What a fun viewpoint of the city!!!! My mom just sent me your blog link & I'm loving to see all of your updates!!! (p.s. Kate is also loving to play with some of Silvia's old toys you sent over - thank you so much!!)
