Thursday, February 21, 2013

In The Garden This Morning

I have developed a fascination with the ferns unfurling. It happens so fast. You can come out a couple hours later, and they'll be six inches taller.

I think hibiscus are the definition of "bold."

The lime tree in our garden 
(I don't think they say "yard" here) has exactly two limes. They are both hard as rocks, so I suspect they needed to be picked awhile ago, but they make me happy when I look at them.

See that tiny bug on the petal? There's lots of insect life here. Whenever I wear thongs (that's British English for "flip flops") in the garden, my feet and ankles get chomped as if I suddenly presented the insects with a moveable Scandinavian smorgasbord.

And in the midst of all this flora. . .

a boozy almond knot and a flat white (decaf skim) - what's not to love?
[Okay, I know all you U.S. coffee drinkers want to know: a flat white is microfoam added to one or two shots of espresso. Microfoam is the steamed milk from the bottom of the pitcher. A skinny layer is then poured on top to give the drink a "flat white" appearance. A flat white has less milk than a latte and is twice as delicious.

So, I bet the visually astute among you are wondering, "why all the closeups?".

There's a reason, of course, beside the sheer gorgeousness of the plants. If I showed a more expanded view, you would see this: the washing machine that resides in the house's original privy (not hard to imagine, is it?),

the trash bins (I highly amused Sylvia's friend by calling them "garbage cans"),  and the. . .

hanging laundry. Our landlord's mum said that Aussies are "very wash and wear" and rarely use a dryer or iron. We're doing our best to fit in.

Back to some greenery:

Mint grows rampant in one section of the garden, and both Sylvia and I love nibbling on its leaves.

1 comment:

  1. How nice to see the details! Thank you for taking us along.
