Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Seen This Morning

A sulfur-crested cockatoo on a wire. Just looking at this picture makes me happy. 

Rick and I dropped Sylvia off at school and then took the morning off and did a quick 6K walk from Bondi to Coogee. (I know it probably seems to you like we only take breaks, but we actually do write, etc. Rick even guest taught a class yesterday). We took our shoes off at Coogee.

Don't you love all these bands of color? Those storm clouds held off until almost the exact moment we had our shoes back on. Unbelievable timing! It's now pouring and is supposed to rain for days -- a good time to drink pots of tea and write. For us, this is such a magical place.


  1. how fun to see a cockatoo out in nature!
    makes me wonder, do you miss squirrels? I've heard there are no squirrels down under, is it true?

  2. Like I said, you are living a dream. Cool photos!

  3. There aren't any squirrels here, and one of Sylvia's friends is fascinated by them. Moose, elk, and beaver are also considered exotic here. Such a different perspective for us!


  4. Penelope will flip to hear you saw a sulfur crested cockatoo just hanging at round. She loves these birds!
