Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Oh, the Cheek!

This rainbow lorikeet looks like he has something on his mind, doesn't he?

Turns out he wanted my unused sugar packet.

I was sitting in an outdoor café, completely absorbed in my writing, when a rainbow lorikeet landed on my table about three inches from my paper. He looked at me, looked at my cup, looked at me, looked at my cup, grabbed the sugar with his beak, and flew up to a tree branch.

Here he is sharing the sugar packet with a friend:

 The packets are dark brown, long, and slender like sticks, so it's a bit hard to see.

Apparently, one was not enough.

Cheeky, but beautiful!
Even the staff came out
to enjoy them.

Usually I see rainbow lorikeets partially hidden in trees, so I don't get to admire their backside.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you had your camera. What a beautiful bird!
