Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Luna Park

Two weeks ago we went to what turned out to be one of Sylvia's favorite places - Luna Park - a genuine old-fashioned amusement park. It was built in 1935 at the foot of the Sydney bridge, and some of the buildings are actually registered In the New South Wales state heritage register. In the front of this picture, you can see the ferry station. You can also see how close apartment buildings have been built to it!

Here's Rick and Sylvia about to enter.

                                                                                What do you think of those eyelashes?

Here's an example of some of the games you can play.

And here are the clowns in action:

Thank goodness we don't really look like that.

This funhouse is the oldest in the world.

                                                                                                              I loved its old figures and imagery:

Recognize this guy?

                                                                                                        The inside of the funhouse was covered with drawings like this.

And the "rides" were good old-fashioned fun.

Here's Sylvia running through the barrel roll.

This disk whirled around and the kids were gradually flung off by centrifugal force.

Those blurs coming down the slide are Rick and Sylvia.

In the Maze of Mirrors.

What could be better than a little "fairy floss" or cotton candy?
 Did I say "little"?

And because Luna Park is right on the harbor, here's our view as we ate our picnic lunch.



  1. Some of those faces are what nightmares are made of, creepy! We saw this place, but it had no appeal to us. Maybe if we had a younger person with us we would have ventured over.

  2. Some of the faces are a bit creepy, but the overall feel of the place is charming! I don't think we would have gone there without a child, but I'm glad we did!


  3. I love the Coney Island reference too! (p.s. now am extra hungry for sweets seeing S & her "fairy floss") :)
